Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1.  What is your essential question?
How can a Preschool program best help a child prepare for Kindergarten?2.  What is your third answer to your essential question (write your third answer in a complete sentence)?
My third answer is through cognitive skills.3.  What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)?
  • Cognitive skills have to do with memory(ie: knowing colors)
  • Retention of vocabulary and basic everyday functions
  • Knowing sight, taste, and sounds all come from cognitive skills
4.  What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
Research on cognitive skills along with my mentor Genesis, and just asking other people at my mentorship.
5.  What do you plan to study next and why? 

More research on cognitive skills because I need to figure out for myself if this information is accurate.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 16: 2 Hour House Meeting Answer #2

      What is your essential question?

1. How can a Preschool program best help a child prepare for Kindergarten?

2. What is the second answer to your essential question?

My second answer will be how important communication between Parents, Teachers, and  students are.

3. What are three details to help justify/ support your second answer?

  • Parent Student, and Teacher communication can ensure a child's success.
  • Students are young so they need to be when they are doing something right/wrong.
  • If a Parent and Teacher communicated effectively then they will both be on a the same page and ensure academic success. 

4. What source helped you to prove this answer is justified for your essential question?

A book that I read called the Montessori Method along with various interviews and conversations with my mentor.

5. What do you plan to study next with your answer and why?

I plan to continue talking with my mentor, and get more research on my second answer since I don't have that much research on it. I also plan to go and view different preschools and see how they communicate with each other.

Blog17: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. How can a Preschool program best help a child prepare for Kindergarten?
  2. What would you expect to see in a successful Preschool program? 
  3. In your opinion is more beneficial for a child to learn Cognitive skills or Motor skills, or are they equally important explain.
  4. What is the method/technique to get a child who doesn't participate to participate?
  5. Is there a certain way you can teach a child when learning Cognitive skills( ie: Alphabet) should it be taught all orally, using song or a mixture of song and flashcards?
  6. What are fine Motor Skills?
  7. Is it true in your a opinion if a child doesn't develop social skills in Preschool he/she will have a hard time in Kindergarten, or is it up to the child?
  8. What skills or qualities would one have to develop to be a adequate preschool teacher?
  9. How can a teacher help a learner of a different language learn English without discouraging or making the child feel dumb?
  10. What are cognitive skills?
  11. What makes a successful Preschool program successful?
  12. How important is parent participation at this age for a child success?
  13. How does Montessori preschools differ from private preschools?
  14. Does a child learn more in A Montessori or private preschool? explain
  15. What are social skills?
  16. How does social skills differ from emotional skills?
  17. What impact does emotional skills have on a child?
  18. What are emotional skills so important?
  19. Out of Cognitive, Fine motor, Social, and Emotional skills is one skills more important than another?
  20. How should a teacher teach in the classroom to assure academic success? 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval 

(1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
For this independent component I'm planning on continuing to volunteer at Woodbury Preschool Village and in addition to that take an Childhood development course at Mt. Sac, which focuses on Language arts and Media for young children.
(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
I plan to meet the 30 hour work requirement by going to the class twice a week along with volunteering the other two days. The class alone is 18 hours of lecture time, so to get the last 12 i would go and volunteer at Woodbury Preschool Village.

(3) How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?  
My independent study component relates to my working E.Q because my EQ is: How can a Preschool best help a child prepare for Kindergarten, So the class will help because it's about Language arts and media aspect of my EQ i say this because they both can play a major part in how a preschool can best help a child. My volunteer services at Woodbury Preschool Village helps because I can get an in depth look on how there preschool program works and talk to parents of former children that went their and track their success at leaving and entering Kindergarten to see if they were actually more prepared than children that didn't go there.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog14: Independent Component 1

Blog14: Independent Component 1

a). I Emani affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b). The sources that helped me complete my independent component were my Mentors Genesis and Yessenia at  Woodbury Preschool Village, Books: You Me Us, which went in depth with explaining how Preschool is suppose to help a child with developing social, motor, cognitive, and language skills, another book was the Montessori Method, from this book I learned how they feel Preschool should be shaped, this then allowed me to compare and contrast Montessori, Public, and Private Preschools. 

d).  I was a volunteer at Woodbury Preschool Village. I was in was in charge of assistingthe kids with reading, learning to write, art's and crafts ect.

My completion of my 30 hours consisted of going to Woodbury Preschool Village on Tuesday's and Thursday's. once there I would assist the kids with reading, learning to write, art's and crafts, putting there shoes on, helping with snack, being able to teach a class by myself twice, assisting the kids with going to bathroom, helping decorate the classroom, giving my input to my mentors on if this would be a good lesson or not, helping with cognitive skills, and by being an extra aid to my mentors. 


  This component helped me to understand the foundation of my topic better because going into my Senior Project I thought being a preschool teacher wasn't that hard of a job at all. I thought ok you teach kids not too hard. With my reading and volunteering I quickly learned it was more complicated than I thought. From rude parents and kid's not listening to learning how little Preschool teachers make. The component helped me to become more knowledgeable on the basics of early childhood education/preschool and allowed me to first hand how challenging the job can be. I was also given the time to examine if I truly want to go into this profession or not.