Independent Component 2
(a) Statement saying: “I, Emani Lloyd, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
I Emani Lloyd affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component
Ms. Genesis Rodriguez (Woodbury Preschool Village), and my new mentor Mrs. Caroline( Field Elementary School).
(c) Provide a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours)
Explanation of what you completed.
I did additional 30 hours of my mentorship with my original mentor Ms. Genesis Rodriguez. While their i actually completed my mentorship altogether. My responsibility while completing these hours were to be an teachers aid to Ms Genesis. This including passing out snacks, teaching the class a few times, getting supplies, reading to the students, helping her help them to learn and write their name, tracing and counting skills. While completing my mentorship I called local preschools and found one that me come there to volunteer as well. Tuesday was my last day at Woodbury Preschool Village. :( While with Mrs. Caroline I've completed around 8 hours. There I help assist her with helping the children do science,math, art, reading and outside play. I'm finding myself learning more on how to affectively structure a classroom and add play to the curriculum.
Link to the pictures The things I explained in my literal section because I learned some value information while helping. I am current;y still helping students finish their mask and helping me Mrs. Caroline prepare them for their culture day performance. I learned how important having classroom management is. My hours are also apart of my mentorship so that's another reason why it demonstrates 3o hours work . I also feel it's justifiable considering the fact I started volunteering at two places. Applied
How did the component help you answer your EQ or support one or more of your answers. Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
This component helped me answer my E.Q because I had the chance to be more hands on as to the other one. I also had the luxury of seeing two completely different teaching styles. At Field Elementary they really helped me answer my E.Q even though I've only been their a short while. I've had the chance to be an aid to a child and watch him/her not have great motor skills. This is how I actually came up with my first answer watching him struggle and become frustrated.
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