Friday, November 30, 2012

Blog 10 ( Senior Project Update)

  Senior Project Update

(1) What are you currently doing in your independent component?  

I am currently doing more research and prepping to start collecting data for the Science fair I should have the data in about a week or two. I've also been writing in and updating my science fair journal.

(2) What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project?  The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November.  Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.  

The piece of research that I reviewed and helped me to get a little bit further in my Senior Project was an article Posted in the New York Times called : When should a child be ready for Kindergarten, In this article I learned a child is deemed ready / eligible when they can rationally differentiate between fruit and money, I also learned that in the 15 and 16th century children were deemed eligible when they could act rational. This is where the Idea of the Birthday? Birth year came to existence from these principles of the people from the 15th and 16th century.

(3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did.  For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blog 5B Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your topic?

Early Childhood Development/ Preschools

2. What is the driving problem behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support that problem? (Expert citation must be MLA format.)

There are not enough quality preschool's available for the common person to be enrolled to, This is a problem because kids are being deprived. 

3. What is your hypothesis? (Must be in If-Then form)

If an child is not on the school reduce/free lunch program while taking preschool courses then the child will preform better academically.
4. Write a paragraph summary of how you will perform the experiment.  Include the tools you plan on using.

I plan to conduct this experiment by looking on the California Department of Education website. I also plan on using tools such as the California Census Bureau. I will also take race such as American American , White, Asian, and Hispanic into account. The other tool i will use is Income by finding the median income of ones family. The last tool I will use is rather or not the parents pay tuition for there child to go to school or if it's free.

5. Select one of the following Project Categories for your experiment:

Behavioral/Social Science

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog #9 Working EQ and Possible Answers

(1) What was the working EQ you used during your presentation?
What is the best way to better prepare a child for Kindergarten.(2) Did you decide to revise your working EQ after your presentation?  
How can one identify a quality preschool program?  

(3) What are possible answers to your current working EQ? Qualification of the teachers, the background of the school, tuition base, and success rate of the preschool.