Blog 4: Project Reflection and Working EQ
The Pentagon:
(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
One positive thing that has happened to me is I learned to be assertive and take charge.
(2) EQ Content: Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
The research has been very helpful in understanding my topic. The biggest help to me though was my first interview, I say this because my mentor Genesis gave me a list of books to read and advice on taking courses.
(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
Finding a mentor and gaining the kids trust.
(4) What hasn't worked so far?
There's not really a lot of research on my topic
(5) Finding Value: Based on your experience so far,
- What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to studythis year (don't list questions about the instructions relating to the senior project)?
- How will this apply to my life in understanding Childhood development and myself ? If I stick to this project in college will this knowledge be beneficial?
- What is your end goal this year with your senior project (don't say get a good grade or gain knowledge, put specific things you want to accomplish in your senior project this year)
The end result for me would be to get a paying job with the school and continue this project and hopefully one day become a preschool teacher in the near future.
- Who would you like to talk to you next? Why?
- I would like to talk to different preschool teachers at different schools, this is because every school and classroom is ran differently. Another reason is because I want to be as educated as I can be in my topic.